I've experienced the Great Irony of Life again. My Etsy shop has been in near stand still since our relocation. Firstly we had some great difficulties with our household goods, including my yarns, needles and felting kits. Whilst packing to come over with my son and dog I had to give in to my mother instincts and actually pack clothes for us, not just fill the suit cases with Highly Important yarns, buttons etc. This meant my hands were tied until the removal boxes were delivered with these treasured items.
Due to several reasons, including one Evil Volcano Eruption, our removal boxes were delayed. When they finally arrived, on another sunny spring day, I jumped into a chance with my Treasured Items and started creating with new force.
I knitted in full speed, enjoyed every second of it whilst sitting by the window admiring the sun and watching green grass push it's way through grey mud. I finished few items, and was ready to tackle next obsticle, which is setting my new stuff into my shop.
As I can not afford a studio with and proffesional model and photographer to do the job for me, I needed someone beautiful to help me out in a outdoor shooting session to get the best possible picture quality.
This meant I was now looking for someone to wear my creations so I could set them up into my shop listings. After careful considerations (read: picked the first friend brave enough to be available) we set the date and got on at it. We managed to plan things, get everything ready and... the heavens opened. They've been open ever since, or they've opened approx 30 minutes before our rearranged and newly scheduled shooting sessions. Grey rain, gray weather and cold winds every time, forcing me and my brave model to a stand still. Ironic, don't you think.
The only conclusion to my knitting battles is: Life can be easier in more sunny places, but not as pretty and colourfull as in others. I'll stay put, wait for sunshine and enjoy it better when it appears. And keep calm with well earned chocolate bar or two...
The picture's featured today are by two fine artists--
The Thunder Above picture can be found at Reddish Gallery at
Sparkle and Shine picture at While Wandering's shop at