Saturday, 20 February 2010

New wind rising

              Sailing to Bluer Skies by The TheExtentofSilence

There are some new winds rising for us in near future. We need to set up our sails, and get ready. There will be yet another relocation, another departure and another arrival. As always, in front of New Beginnings, one feels rather manic-depressive: there's great excitement about the new steps, new opportunities, whilst feeling great sadness in our hearts from leaving loved ones and safe life behind. In this unsettled waves, I've taken quite a comfort from the following quotes, as well as these beautiful items made by fellow Etsians.

I know not what the future holds, but I know who holds the future. ~Author Unknown

New key to our new life by That Something

If you would attain to what you are not yet, you must always be displeased by what you are. For where you are pleased with yourself there you have remained. Keep adding, keep walking, keep advancing. ~Saint Augustine
Loving pebbles on departure by Sjengraving

You can avoid having ulcers by adapting to the situation: If you fall in the mud puddle, check your pockets for fish. ~Author Unknown

Crisp, clean pillow to rest my head after the travels by CreekBedThreads

No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow. ~Lin Yutang

Saturday, 13 February 2010


We're almost out- Photograph by Lazyfish-

Valentine's day is fast approaching, and due to our circumstances I can not treat my husband with a gift. I'm not romanticly charged either. Do not get me wrong, of course I sniffle and sigh when true love wins the nasty world in Pretty Woman, but show me good old fashioned Disney film, with lost pets finding their impossible way to home, and I'm howling for days!! Of course I love flowers, holding hands and the rest, but hunt for romantic gestures is not ruling my life. Giving a choise between Tarantino flick and Breakfast in Tiffany's, blood and guts wins it every time.

However, this week's post is dedicated to my hubby. I've ruthlessly borrowed Mark Twain's words to express myself better. I've also added pictures of items I'd give to him if I'd have a chance to do so.

This is the love letter from author Mark Twain to his wife, Livy, on her 30th birthday, 27 November 1875

"Livy darling,

Six years have gone by since I made my first great success in life and won you, and thirty years have passed since Providence made preparation for that happy success by sending you into the world. Every day we live together adds to the security of my confidence, that we can never any more wish to be separated than that we can ever imagine a regret that we were ever joined. You are dearer to me today, my child, than you were upon the last anniversary of this birthday; you were dearer then than you were a year before – you have grown more dear from the first of those anniversaries, and I do not doubt that this precious progression will continue on to the end.

Let us look forward to the coming anniversaries, with their age and gray hairs without fear and without depression, trusting and believing that the love we bear each other will be sufficient to make them blessed.

So, with abounding affection for you and our babies, I hail this day that brings you the matronly grace and dignity of three decades. "

Always Yours,

Saturday, 6 February 2010

Team CAC

All these following beauties have been collected from the Team CAC's production. (You can find more info about our team also from Facebook, from our newly created pages at!/pages/Etsy-Team-CAC/101781875105?ref=search&sid=601218211.1950546945..1)
Isn't it fairly amazing what people can create?
I'll quote words of Andre Gide, the French author and Noble Price winner:
"Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better".